Miranda: I’ve done well, Serie A harder than I thought”







Miranda made an appearance on Inter Nos, a programme on Inter Channel and spoke about what is important to him and how Serie A’s difficulty surprised him:

“I am very happy to score goals that help the team win. The most important thing is to defend well and I have done well. I I have market well we have always won. I owe a lot to Coritiba, which is where I trained to become a footballer. In France, football is completely different in terms of pace and strength. I played 20 game there. At Sao Paolo I played with a lot of good players. Then, I joined a very strong Atletico side, where I won nearly everything. I thought Serie A was easy, but it is very difficult. There are teams here that are tactically strong and defend well. You play to not lose.”

Source: FCInterNews.it