CdS: Bologna want new TV deal limiting Inter, Juve, Roma’s gain and giving fairer distribution

              Bologna want rid of the current tv deal that benefits the big clubs far more substantially. The goal, according to Corriere della Sera, as well as to have a League Cup not with a mere representative role but can act as entrepreneurs, finding and providing the most resources championship, is to increase in distribution of resources the share of Legge Melandri relating to sporting merit, now at 30%, which penalises the intentions of those who, like Joey Saputo, would like to bridge the gap with the three nobles of Italian football. Bologna strategy is therefore to create arrangements with clubs eager to redesign a system that now allows Juve, Inter and Milan to eat 30% of TV rights pie. All small and medium are interested in the subject. But the most important step is to involve other big: Roma, Fiorentina and Napoli are also already next to Bologna, captain of this unusual team. Source: