Mancini: “We have to get as many points as possible right now”

Roberto Mancini arrived at the post match press conference at the San Siro press room after having seen his team lose by 2-1 following two red cards of Miranda and Nagatomo. This all but ensures that Inter wont be taking part in next season’s Champions League as the Nerazzurri are now trailing Roma by 8 points. FcInterNews were present and report the entire press conference below.

FcIN – This defeat makes Champions League football pretty much an impossibility for next season. However could one concequence be that you can accelerate your scheduling and plans for next season?
“We have to look to get as many points as possible right now, then in the end we can see where we end up. There’s still some time left before we can start planning.”

FcIN – Why did you chose Santon and not Telles?
“D’Ambrosio had some physical problems and I needed someone on the right. This is why I chose Santon.”

Why did you bring Icardi off?
“He hasn’t played for a little while. We were in difficulty because we had lost a defender. I could have brought Medel off but we didn’t have another midfielder available.”

Why do you think that the team lacks cynicism?
“In the second half we started well, we had more than one ball to hurt Torino. Then the episodes changed the match. There were some mistakes made, but the problem wasn’t that we lacked the will. Maybe a few players were tired but there was fighting spirit. No doubt.”

Santon made a mistake on Torino’s goal?
“A huge mistake, these things cannot be allowed to occur.”

What do you think about Miranda’s red card?
“The first yellow card was non existent, just like I think that our penalty and their penalty were both wrongly awarded.”

How can you train the team to be more “mean” in front of goal?
“We need to understand that we need to score goals to close matches. Against Roma after we took the lead, we needed to score again, but it didn’t happen. We have to improve in this regard.”

The penalty conceded by Nagatomo was wrong, why didn’t your team protest at all?
“He is a good guy, maybe a little bit too good. The penalty was awarded by the assistant referee, not the referee. It was an exaggerated decision.”

Why did you chose Juan Jesus over Murillo?
“Some players arrived a bit tired from their national team fixtures, so I thought that I wanted to rest a few of them. This was the only reason.”

Is this Mancini’s Inter?
“The final judgements and conclusions are made at the end of the season. I am responsible for the team, but we can only talk once the season has ended. Our objective was the third spot, we will continue to try to achieve it and then we will see.”

After the past few good performances did you expect to see a match with this rhythm?
“I don’t think that this was a step back compared to the other recent matches. Icardi and Jovetic are available again after some time. After the international break there can be some fatigue but today’s match was decided by the decisions of the referee’s.”

In conclusion Mancini wished to make the following statement: “I want to offer my condolences to the Maldini family for the loss of Cesare.”
