Pioli to Rai: “Today we had the wrong approach, it must not happen again”







Stefano Pioli also spoke to the microphones of Rai post match: “We must grow and be more of a team. Now our goal to try to improve those situations where we give too much to the opponents, like early in tonight’s game where we conceded two goals in six minutes. We could have also put it back on track, it was enough a goal, but it was not our night. It takes a lot more attention especially against quality opponents such as Napoli. Also on the first goal conceded it was necessary to be more attentive and communicative without leaving an easy shot for an opponent. The problem is the attitude of the team, when we concede so much it becomes difficult to score 2-3 goals per game. I have found great awareness of the moment, we are working to improve. I’m sorry we didnt show on the field what we’ve been working on, today in the first few minutes. But we have the potential to do well in the future. Here we have very dynamic players and coaches, I like to have these features. We have to move as a team, especially in defence while protecting most of the area when we have the ball. Here we have to take steps forward. The season so far was not exciting, wins that provide security haven’t came which has caused a little anxiety. But the last few games we have played positively; Today we had the wrong approach, it must not happen again. We need to improve in situations that put us in trouble.”

Source: FCInterNews.it