Stefano Pioli was interviewed by Inter Channel moments ago at the Juventus Stadium ahead of tonight’s derby d’Italia.
“We want to demonstrate our maximum potential today, to play against strong opponents and look to remain at the top. It’s a very important match but there are only three points at stake as always. The league doesn’t end tonight. Our objective is clear, it’s not easy to achieve it, but we must insist on it.”
“Tonight we’re faced with a great challenge which we want to accept. It’s impossible not to be affected by this match, we are also affected by our surroundings. We want to give everything we have” Pioli concluded.
U fucked us up nicely
this weekend, how can candreva perisic play every game, they will get tired at the end, that’s what I was saying last week give candreva some rest perisic aswell, even if they want to play. Getting placio in, that’s shame shame. We shouldn’t keep pioli beyond this season, I don’t think gabigol has less ability then placio at least he can take on 1 to 2 players. It’s just too much, give them some rest
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