President Italian Referee Association Nicchi: “Rizzoli is a world class referee”

The President of the Italiqn referee association Marcello Nicchi was a guest late last night on RAI show Domenica Sportiva discussing the recent controversy regarding Nicola Rizzoli.

Speaking about the challenge on D’Ambrosio by Lichtsteiner Nicchi stated: “If you can find anyone to give you a penalty for that, I say keep him. Chiellini’s backpass? Rizzoli says that the ball was moved twice, these are statements which I have to trust. The overreaching evaluation is made by Domenico Messina who is the observer and everything is then examined at Coverciano. We don’t underestomate anything. Today we have to say two things: we are speaking about a world class referee, who is respected as a referee and as a person because he gives a lot to the Association as well as showing solidarity. Then the time has arrived to say enough with the discussions which doesn’t help anyone, a beautiful match has been forgotten. Now all parties need to put this behind them which has made everyone forget a great match. Football is made up of different episodes, now we get back to normality. I will do my part, calling on everyone do give their all because the league goes into a decisive period.”