Pioli to SKY: “Too many errors

Stefano Pioli analyses the game against Torino as follows: “We weren’t as good as we usually are in the build-up phase. And also a bit sloppy when it comes to conclusions, especially at the end of the game when we had a lot of opportunities to win the game. We knew it was going to be a tough game since it was Torino on the other side, only Juventus has beat them here. We had a good approach but the errors made us lose momentum. And I repeat: If we would have taken advantage of all of the occasions at the end we would have been standing here having another type of interview. A lot of other teams would have said that the objective was EL but we won’t hide our ambition. We want to continue like this, there are still a lot of games to be played.”.

Inter with a lot of conviction and enthusiasm. It seems like you enjoy yourself when you are playing. Do you gett off course sometimes because you want too much?

“I agree, but I don’t think the guys are too pumped up. Today, as an example, we made some errors even when we weren’t under pressure. Today we made some bad choices, forcing stuff when we didn’t had to. ”

Did Eder come on because you wanted some killer instinct in attack? “Yes, we wanted to occupy their area in order to be able to attack on their sides. I have to say that Torino made a good effort in closing the space and that’s why it made sense letting another attacker play. Unfortunately we couldn’t take advantage of our chances.”

Was it a mutual decision to let Banega drop down a bit? “Yes, I like when a technical player gets to move the ball around. He is a very intelligent player and if he drops down it’s important to the other players.”

Four Inter players in the national team. What does that say about the Chinese owners, can they get whoever they want? “Everybody has that potential, there is a goal to invest in players but also to invest in structure. Maybe it’s better to have three really good players than one excellent in the attack. What we know is that they want to build a Grande Inter once again.”

Source: SKY Sport