Sainsbury’s agent: “Jiangsu and Suning will decide his future but he’d be happy to stay at Inter”

Trent Sainsbury’s agent Tony Rallis spoke with TuttoMercatoWeb on his client who arrived on loan from Inter’s cousins Jiangsu in January but has yet to take to the field in Nerazzurri: “Trent is very pleased with this opportunity. It is an exceptional experience, invaluable. Trent is growing in character, physically, as well as having made progress from the technical and tactical point of view.”

Speaking on his future, Rallis added: “The contract with Jiangsu is valid for another 10 months and we will now decide [what to do]. Will he stay at Inter? The decision will be up to Jiangsu and Suning Group. I can say that Trent would be happy to stay at Inter, so to continue his growth path. Another side in Serie A? Like I said, it Jiangsu will decide.”

Rallis also spoke on the Suning Group: “Suning has demonstrated their commitment and ambition investing large sums in football firstly in China, then in Italy. They did, however, do it with a club like Inter, which is not any old team.”

He concluded revealing what Sainsbury’s goal is, “Trent wants to keep growing, giving his all to both his club and the national team.”
