TS – Bianchi: Napoli is the only threat to Juventus this year

Ex-Inter coach Ottavio Bianchi thinks that Napoli is the only threat to Juventus this year. “Napoli has improved even more this year. Roma has changed a lot in their organisation and in their technical staff, therefore they need some time in order to find equilibrium” – Bianchi says to TuttoSport.

Could they win the Scudetto? “Juventus has gone through some changes as well and the fact is that the team is becoming old. Although they have won a lot, winning is not easy even if Juventus is the only team that can compete with most of the European top clubs. For me, Napoli’s only problem is being too nice, they need to get more mean and dirty. Also, you can not have the attitude of winning each game going 1000 km/h. If Napoli has a good day, no one can beat them but that is impossible to maintain for a whole season, during games where they are not at their best there is little room for maneuvering,  what will happen then?”

Source: tuttosport.com