#PODCAST – Season Premiere of #StudioInter: “Stop the Candreva & Nagatomo hate”

This is Studio Inter, the no 1 podcast in English dedicated ENTIRELY to FC Internazionale Milano – where it’s 100% Inter, 100% of the time ONLY on SempreInter.com.

The boys are back after a long summer break to discuss Spalletti’s impact on Inter before delving into the win against Fiorentina before being joined by RomaPress.us editor John Solano to analyze the impressive win away against Roma.

Is this the season when Icardi wins over his critics? Will Inter make the top ? Why does Mohamed have a bromance with Nagatomo? What’s up with Nima’s Candreva-apologism? Has Max jinxed Inter’s season? Why is Edoardo so annoyed with Inter fans?

All of this and much much more on the season’s premiere of StudioInter, so sit back, relax and join the boys as they delve deep into the black & blue world of the Nerazzurri.

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Click here to visit the episode page or stream via the player below:

Host: Nima Tavallaey.
Panelists: Edoardo Delmonte, Mohamed Nassar & Max De Luca.
Guest: John Solano.
Edited by: Antonio D’Angelo.
Illustration/design: Tin Milekic.