Even Luciano Spalletti has recently admitted that: on the defense side, there is a shortage of central defenders. It’s a matter of quantity, not quality. Ausilio and Sabatini are already working for January transfer market. According to Tuttosport, Inter is closely monitoring the situation of Andreas Christensen, who returned to Chelsea after finishing the seasons with Borussia Monchengladbach: ” If he continues not playing with Conte, a midseason loan could happen”. Apart from this, the trend for the immediate is Filip Bemkovic, a twenty-year-old central defender of the Croatian side Dinamo Zagreb, who was already approached by the Nerazzurri in summer.

For the future, however, the targets remain higher. Miranda is offering great performances, but a few days ago he celebrated his 33rd birthday and it is necessary to think of a replacement of the same standard. In addition to two already mentioned, Tuttosport is insisting on Jose Gimenez of Atletico Madrid and Issa Diop of Toulouse. The Uruguayan’s contract is going to expire in 2018: ” If the contract won’t be renewed, this would result in an excellent opportunity given that the current clause is of 65 million”, explained the Turin newspaper. While Diop is already worth 20 million, Oscar Diamani assures that: ” Soon, he will worth much more”.

Source: FCInterNews.it