Stefano Tirelli: “Ranocchia Adores Luciano Spalletti & Inter”

Two summers ago, Andrea Ranocchia was going through a particularly difficult moment in his career where the central defender from Umbria had lost all self confidence as well as being subjected to alot of criticism and almost fell into depression.

Then he met Stefano Tirelli, a professor from in Complementary Sports Techniques, which resulted in an upturn for the former Hull City defender. Tirelli gave an interview with Gazzetta dello Sport explaining the rebirth of Andrea Ranocchia.

What kind of work do you do together?

“We started off talking about the boy they call the Frog, it was especially important to find that smile again, then we started talking about Ranocchia as an athlete and player.”

How much has the experiences of the Premier League and meeting Spalletti changed Ranocchia?

“I have worked for Chelsea and using my experience I persuaded him to to try a different type of football in which he fought for respect in comparison to others. He loves Spalletti, he says Inter have finally found a proper football coach.”

How was Andrea in the last meeting?

“He is feeling well up for it and ready, he has a new desire because he has not been able to play much in months. he knows that this is due to suspensions but he is very attached to Inter”