Inter legend Beppe Bergomi praised his former team’s newfound form when being interviewed by Radio 24 show ‘Tutti Convocati.”
The former Nerazzurri captain underlined that “we need to ask Luciano Spalletti what has changed and he is the one who has given it to Inter as now Inter play some good football. It is different from the football they played in the beginning of the season when they won but did not play well. I also want to underline the intellectual honesty demonstrated by admitting that the Nerazzurri deserved to win the derby.”
In conclusion Bergomi, who was nicknamed Lo Zio by the Inter faithfull during his carrer at the club, was asked about the two open goal misses by Mauro Icardi stating that: “These things happen, he never misses these goalscoring chances, he is a master in the penalty area, he is number one there. I think that his first chance was easier than the second one.”