The ex beloved Inter striker Ivan Zamoran spoke for the International Champions Cup, in which Inter will take part again for 2018. These words come from the official website of the Nerazzurri.
“It is important for clubs to play these tournaments, mostly for the many fans that follow these clubs from around the world. We hope it’s a great show, as it normally is when great clubs meet, great clubs like Inter who would benefit from starting the season with challenges because it will help them in the Championship. I take a lot of pride in representing Inter at the launch of such a great tournament, surrounded by many other great clubs. Football in the United States is growing and the MLS has become an important League. There are great players like Giovinco, Dos Santos and Villa. I started my professional career at 17, I was young but had a lot of hear, then at 20 I really became a Footballer. Icardi is one of the best strikers in the world and I hope he stays at Inter for a long time. The team is experiencing a change and growth. However, what never changes is the desire to be in the Champions League, playing European Football is very important”.
The Chilean then began to reminisce about two old friends: “I have many friends in Football, the first is Javier Zanetti, I am also the godfather to his daughter, he was an extraordinary player and is an equally exceptional person, above all. Marco Materazzi, who was playing in Perugia at the time, is also a close friend. It was so difficult to play against him on the pitch but once the game was over we’d shake hands. The best advice my dad gave me was that for all the guys in Football, the best does not always win, so we must fight”.