Mauro Icardi’s interview with Olé yesterday has sparked more transfer rumours and British tabloid the Mirror has reported it is only a matter of time until ‘record-breaking bids arrive.”
The Inter captain admitted in the interview that he is unsure what the future holds but insisted he is focused on his present (Inter).
“Icardi has three years to run on his contract at the San Siro and his power at Inter may ensure he perseveres for another season. But with Manchester United, Paris Saint-Germain and Real Madrid all linked in the past, it is only a matter of time before record-breaking bids arrive.”
The 25-year-old striker has scored 26 goals in 32 games in all competitions this season and has a €110 million foreign release clause in his contract but a new and improved contract has long been rumoured in the Italian media. Icardi joined Inter back in 2013 and recently passed a century of goals in the Nerazzurro shirt.