Former Inter and Bologna striker Julio Cruz was interviewed by Milano based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport where he spoke about a wide variety of topics starting with what Inter’s objective for the season must be: “Spalletti can say, think and divert as much as he wants, but Inter must, and I underline must, be the anti-Juventus.”

Let’s Start With Your Thoughts On Inter vs Torino?

“Inexplicable errors on an individual level. I watched the game from start to finish: they were flying in the first and then completely sunk in the second. I don’t understand how it is possible to come back out so poorly after such a strong start.”

Is Modric Lacking?

“Well, Modric is another topic, he would of been what Cristiano Ronaldo is to Juve, but for Inter. He would have filled a void, Inter would of undoubtedly been a competitive team.”

How Many Points Will Be Needed To Win This Season? 

“One thing is certain, if you want to win the Scudetto, you have to win games such as these. Don’t get me wrong, Torino can play very well, but look at Napoli last season or two seasons ago: they did not win games that Juventus did. They beat them at their own stadium but without those smaller wins, they finished second.”

Do You Honestly Believe Inter Is The Anti-Juventus Or Should They Be Regardless?

“Both. When I was at Inter, the fact of the matter was that there was only one derby and it was against Juventus. It is true that Milan were a challenge, but we had one enemy in mind. This philosophy needs to return. We are the anti-Juventus, I repeat. Spalletti can think what he wants but that’s the only message that needs to be worked on, because Inter needs to be at the top.”

Nainggolan Could Return For Saturday. Palacio Might Play Too…

“I’m sorry for Bologna and Rodrigo, who was an Interisti and one of my close friends. We will hope for Destro. As for Nainggolan, he can be the connection between the attack and defence and he’s a true fighter.”

Lautaro Seems To Be Struggling?

“The Lautaro I saw in Argentina is a very strong player, lethal, sure, but it’s pretty obvious that the difference between South American and Italian football is quite big.”

Even You Seemed At Bit Out Of Place At Bologna?

“Fortunately, I had Guidolin, who taught me a lot about Italian football, even when I was not doing well, he supported me, trained me, made me understand, and I think I had arrived from Feyenoord, not from Argentina, but it was still a different type of Football. I do not think Lautaro has the same problems as I did, but I really hope Spalletti can be that teacher for him, as Guidolin was for me.”

Happy To See Icardi Back With Argentina?

“Very happy. He’s a real champion and it’s right that he gets the call. The games he played in the past did not go well and in Argentina they see right away if you will work.”

Is Messi Better Than Ronaldo?

“He has always been the best and everyone knows it.”