Barcelona’s Rafinha: “Inter Has A Great Project & I Would Have Loved To Stay”

Former Inter player, Rafinha, spoke to Corriere dello Sport about his experience at Inter and his feelings behind scoring against them in the Champions League.

“Internally, I felt a great joy for scoring a goal for my team, but at the same time it was natural for me not to celebrate out of respect for my old comrades. Then I asked Handanovic for some water, had we not been friends, I could have never asked him.”

Fate wanted Messi to get injured in order for you to get a chance in the starting line up, how did you feel the night before the match?

“It was all very special and, at the same time, weird. Just a few months ago I was fighting side by side with some fantastic companions and now I found them in front of me as opponents. It was exciting.”

Do you think you could have played the same game but in an Inter shirt if things went differently?

“If everything went as I thought, yes, but that’s not what happened, and I am very happy and motivated to be here.”

In the end, what really happened?

“I was convinced that I would stay at Inter, but it was not like that, they preferred other players. I feel a lot of affection and gratitude for Inter because they welcomed me after nine months of inactivity.”

And when did you realize that you would not stay at Inter?

“There wasn’t an exact moment, the weeks went by and I realized that they were contacting other players.”

You constantly talk about how much you like Spalletti because he is a direct person, did you talk to him about the fact that Inter wasn’t going to redeem you?

“When I say ‘direct’ I am referring to his way of training and coaching the group, I did not talk to him about it.”

In Italy, you injured your knee at the Olimpico in Rome

“Yes, and I am convinced that the incident has improved me as a player and a professional. I have also improved my skills as a guitarist because of the long hours that I could not get out of bed.”

When you see that Inter decided to spend a lot of money on Nainggolan instead of using that money on redeeming you, what did you think?

“I am not someone who holds a grudge.”

You rediscovered your old friend Mauro Icardi in Milano.

“We had been together in Barca, and in Italy, he helped me a lot to settle in.”

Should the opportunity for you to go back to Inter arise in the future…

“I had a great experience there and there will always be a place in my heart for Inter.”

Were you surprised to see that Inter has a president who is almost your age?

“At first I was surprised, but it does not take long to understand Steven Zhang’s intelligence, wisdom, and seriousness. He has all the right qualities to run a club. He was a great reference point for us players, I respect him a lot.”

Can Inter really be the anti-Juve in Italy?

“They are not that far away, the have a great project.”