The Reason Inter’s First Goal Was Allowed To Stand

Gazzetta dello Sport have explained the reason for which Roberto Gagliardini’s first goal against Genoa yesterday was allowed to stand, denying the reconstructions and interpretations that some people who are not fully aware of the rules have come up with. The report also discusses Gagliardini’s second goal, stating that the tap-in by Perisic did not cross the line.

“After 14 minutes, Joao Mario had the ball in the opposition’s box and Gagliardini was in an offside position, but the ball that led to the goal did not come directly from Joao Mario, it touched Davide Biraschi’s heel. Had the ball not touched the Genoa player’s heel, Gagliardini would have been considered to be offside, which was then confirmed by VAR, allowing the goal to stand. VAR also confirmed that Perisic’s tap-in during the second half did not cross the line thanks to the great save by Radu, and the goal was confirmed to be by Roberto Gagliardini.”