Inter Manager Spalletti: “We Had Moments Of Decline That Punished Us”

Inter coach Luciano Spalletti talked to Sky Sports after the end of the game between Juventus and Inter and praised his team for how they conducted themselves in the match.

“This game was played in a certain way, we wanted to have a constant approach since there are times when you suffer a lot and times when you have to get back and attack. We did this well enough, but there are situations that we misread and where we interpret the situations badly while Juventus did not do anything wrong. We allowed too many balls outside the pitch while we were in possession. And when we at the same time let them recuperate possession that is what makes the difference. We failed to be consistent during the entire game, sometimes we did well, even better than we predicted and that is a good sign, but then on the other hand some individual readings were too approximate. Also when it came to fouls, Juventus showed more experience while we kept on doing trivial fouls that only got us to lose time.”

He then went on to speak about the performances of Mauro Icardi and the goal.

“Icardi did what he had to do, in fact he was even better than usual in helping us out in the midfield giving us the opportunity to counter attack. Before the goal I shouted out to Joao Mario that he had to align to the defensive line because if you lower your attention you can not recover the situation anymore. In that situation we had to run back to the defensive line and the defence has to defend the goal instead of leaving space for a cross and the header that resulted in the goal.”

He concluded by explaining his decision to substitute Matteo Politano.

“My substitution of Politano? The attacker had to stay lower in order to handle Cancelo, they were better than us when it came to marking. Then from the beginning of the season people say that I make bad decisions when it comes to substations, but I wanted to put a quality dribbler in the middle of the field, Borja knows when to make a pass, when to keep possession of the ball and when to accelerate. Now I will not get any sleep until next Saturday, these nights are for you guys.”