Cagliari President Giulini: “Barella Very Happy Here, He Won’t Leave In January”

Tomasso Giulini has ruled out starlet Nicolo Barella leaving the club in the upcoming January transfer window amidst continued transfer market interest in the Italian international midfielder.

“The situation has been like this for months now. I just think it is right to enjoy him while he is with us. Things will change but for now he is very happy here and the club has no intention of letting him go,” Giulini said in an interview with Radiolina.

“I hope that he stays with us for a long time and as I have already said, he will not leave in January. In the January transfer window we will bring in an attacking midfielder to replace Lucas Castro, the rest will depend on what sales are made.”

Barella has been subject to intense interest from a host of clubs for a number of months with Inter among those understood to be courting him.