Genoa Close To Completing De La Vega Deal In Synergy With Inter

Genoa are closing in on completing the signing of Argentine starlet Pedro De La Vega in synergy with Inter according to a report from Tuttosport.

The Stadio Luigi Ferraris outfit have agreed to a deal worth €10 million with the 18-year-old’s current employers Lanus, who will receive a 5% cut of any future sale he is involved in.

The Turin based news outlet go on to report that as part of the deal, Inter have secured first option to sign the highly rated attacker, who can play on either wing, in the future.

De La Vega is an Argentine youth international at under 20 level but he is in possession of a Spanish passport meaning he will not count against Genoa nor Inter’s non-EU player registration quota.

This season he has made 10 appearances across all competitions for Lanus for a total of 493 minutes. He has been unable to score or provide any assists however.