Mauro Icardi has declared total war on Inter by starting legal action against the club this week, according to Gazzetta dello Sport.

The striker is asking for full reintegration into first-team training, where he has so far been excluded from tactical-related exercises, along with €1.5 million in damages.

Inter were infuriated by Icardi’s decision to sue them, having spent the entire summer trying to offload their former captain.

Icardi has turned down offers from Napoli, Roma and Monaco and is only prepared to consider a move to Juventus.

Inter have until Tuesday to present their defence to the FIGC’s arbitration committee, who are expected to reach a verdict on Icardi’s challenge within two or three months.

Icardi will automatically forfeit his case the moment he leaves Inter or decides to withdraw it.

GdS suggested Icardi’s repeated declarations of love towards Inter, which was supposedly the reason behind his refusal to leave, now looked silly following yesterday’s developments.

Nevertheless, Beppe Marotta and Wanda Nara are still in contact and will aim to find a solution for the 26-year-old’s future before the transfer window shuts on Monday.

Marotta would like to extend Icardi’s contract, currently due to expire in 2021, by one more year and send him abroad on loan, with Paris Saint-Germain and Atletico Madrid the only possible destinations after Monaco withdrew their interest.

Wanda is open to the idea of signing a new deal, but she is likely to request far too much in wages – Icardi earns €5 million annually but has received offers worth up to €10 million – for it to represent a realistic option.

Icardi is increasingly likely to stay at the club until at least the January transfer window, creating embarrassment for Inter and his teammates in the meantime.

The Nerazzurri are obliged to let Icardi appear in at least 10% of their competitive fixtures this season, in order to prevent Maurito requesting the termination of his contract via Article 15 of FIFA’s regulations on ‘established’ players.