Ex-Inter President Massimo Moratti: “A New Stadium Is A Necessary & Inevitable Step”

With the debate surrounding the future of the San Siro and the suggested plans for a new stadium, former Inter President Massimo Moratti gave his thoughts to Milano based newspaper the Corriere della Sera.

“It should be done immediately. I think it is right that the Mayor, the region, the institutions, and especially the people know the different scenarios. Let’s see the final projects.”

When asked if a public debate would slow down the project, Moratti was optimistic.

“I am not thinking of a referendum to vote for the most welcome solution. Obviously, the teams must fully assume all the responsibilities of such a broad historical project. But it’s nice that people know what we’re talking about. Participation is necessary here. The least one can expect is to understand the plans that the teams have in mind”.

Moratti dismissed the idea that the teams should decide on a project behind closed doors.

“It’s not like AC Milan and Inter are giving a Christmas present to the fans. Nor are they building a private house. Having a new stadium goes towards the modern direction of global companies that are increasingly attentive to business and revenue. It’s probably a necessary and inevitable step. But in this case, on the other hand, there is the removal of a piece of history like the San Siro. Which is probably the most popular stadium in Italy.”

The former Inter President also commented on why he never pushed for a removal of the San Siro.

“You see, there was a moment during my presidency when people started talking about the construction of a new stadium in an insistent way. The famous lunar or moody stadium that Stefano Boeri was working on. At that time the first Chinese partners had joined and, as you know, the question of the stadium is tempting to those who invest. For some it is a condition. They began to talk to AC Milan about who would keep San Siro as a gift by modernizing it. Never to demolish it.”

Finally, Moratti was asked what he wouldn’t want to see in the new stadium.

“Scenes like those that Romelu Lukaku experienced last Sunday in Cagliari. And above all the justification that some fans gave for that episode. We’ve been talking about racist chants for years. And it seems incredible to me that nothing strong and definitive has yet been done to stop it forever”.