Legendary manager Zdenek Zeman has called for clubs who changed their managers over the Summer to give their new men in charge time.

Juventus, Inter, Milan and Roma all changed their managers over the course of the Summer with Juventus bringing in Maurizio Sarri, Inter Antonio Conte, Milan Marco Giampaolo and Roma Paulo Fonseca.

“The clubs will need to wait for their new coaches to be able to pass on their philosophies to their players. It is something that will not happen quickly,” Zeman said in an interview with Rome based news outlet Corriere dello Sport.

Zeman also shared his views on Mauro Icardi’s departure from Inter and the arrival of Romelu Lukaku at the club.

“Inter got rid of a player who had scored more than a hundred goals in his time with the club. Players like Icardi are always useful. Lukaku? He is a physically imposing centre forward, let’s wait and see what he does.”