Ex-Inter Midfielder Esteban Cambiasso: “I’ll Never Forget The Derby d’Italia In November 2008”

Former Inter midfielder Esteban Cambiasso spoke to Italian media outlet Sky Sports last night to discuss the Derby d’Italia tomorrow.

“The Derby d’Italia that I’ll never forget is that of November 22, 2008. The reason? The birth of my first daughter. I was in pre-match retreat and I get a call from my wife, it must have been half past one in the morning. Mourinho asked me: ‘What do you want to do?’. And I said, ‘I want to go.’ Okay, he said.”

“She was born, I kissed her and then came back. I came back at 9:30 the following morning, many of my teammates didn’t even know what had happened. And in the evening, we won with a goal from Muntari. I still don’t know how I managed to keep my focus for 95 minutes.”

Cambiasso played for the Nerazzurri for ten years between 2004 to 2014, winning five league titles and four Coppa Italias with the club, being a member of the historic Treble team of the 2009/10 season.