Inter To Resume Training On Tuesday In Small Groups

The Inter squad will return to their training ground in Appiano Gentile from Tuesday onwards, according to a report from today’s paper edition of the Milano based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport.

The report details how the squad will take part in individual training sessions in very small groups, which will be staggered throughout the day. All the rules and safety precautions will be followed closely and the players will maintain a minimum two meter distance the whole time.

In order to maintain the social distance, the report continues, only four pitches of the sports center will be used, with staggered groups of three or four players. Alongside the players will be a doctor and a coach, using the minimum amount of staff possible. Chilean forward Alexis Sanchez, who returned from abroad less than three weeks ago, will finish his period of isolation at home tomorrow. The individual training sessions will continue until May 17th.