All Serie A Clubs Looking To Return To Individual Training Sessions Next Week

Italian clubs are set for a return to their sports centers as individual training is given approval by the Italian government, according to a report from today’s paper edition of the Milano based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport.

The report details how many Italian regions began allowing clubs to return to their sports centers next week, starting with Emilia Romagna, then Campania, Lazio and Sardinia.

Clubs are hoping to be allowed to restart squad training on the 18th May, as Serie A sides have all agreed to finish this current season. The current idea is to restart the season in early June in order to finish by the end of July, before UEFA’s 2nd August deadline.

Italian minister for sport Vincenzo Spadafora asked the Scientific Technical Committee if it was possible to return to individual training next week, the report continues, as clubs are hoping to be prepared for that early June target.