Italian Minister of Sport Spadafora: “Tonight Or Tomorrow CTS Will Discuss Return To Squad Training”

Italian Minister of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora discussed the resumption of squad training in a post on his Facebook page earlier today.

Italian clubs returned to their training centres earlier this week, with players undertaking Coronavirus tests before undergoing staggered individual training sessions, assuming they test negative for the contagion. No Inter player or staff member has tested positive for the virus. The clubs and players are now waiting for news as to when they can restart squad training, a precursor to a season restart.

Spadafora discussed his work and attempts to get a concrete date for a restart to squad training in a post on Facebook, saying: “We are grappling with many things. We are ready to submit to the Technical Scientific Committee the guidelines for the resumption of team sports training. In the next few hours, between tonight or maybe tomorrow, will come the opinion of the CTS on the protocol of the FIGC for the resumption of squad training in the world of football.”