Meeting Next Week Between Italian Government & Football Organisations To Discuss Season Restart

The Italian government’s Technical Scientific Committee is set to approve a return to squad training later this month, with a season restart set to be discussed next week, according to a report from today’s paper edition of the Milano based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport.

The report details how the CTS’ decision to allow a return to squad training will be decisive in the road to restart the season. Next week there will be a meeting between the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Lega Serie A, CONI, the FIGC and Minister of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora to discuss a season restart and plan.

It is likely that the CTS will not approve the ‘German system’, the report continues, as it doesn’t account for what would happen if a player tested positive after the start of the season. The current objective is to restart to the league on the weekend of the 13th and 14th of June, finishing before UEFA’s August 2nd deadline.