Italian Government Scientific & Technical Committee Order Serie A Teams To Go Into Self Isolation When Group Training Resumes

Serie A teams will be required to enter into a 15 day period of self isolation upon the resumption of group training the Italian government’s Scientific and Technical Committee, who are keen to get the football season resumed, have ordered.

Athletes, including footballers, were able to resume training on a voluntary individual basis on Monday May 4 and the Italian government have given the green light for group training to resume starting from this coming Monday ahead of the season possibly resuming.

The Scientific and Technical Committee have set these conditions in order to prevent outside contact and to avoid contamination from the outside too.

Should one player go on to test positive upon the resumption of group training, the rest of the team will also be forced into a period of quarantine and it remains to be seen what this would mean for the resumption of the season if it is to resume.