FIGC Hand Over Updated Medical Protocol Proposal For Resumption Of Football To Italian Government

The Italian football federation have handed over their updated proposal of the medical protocol to be put in place for the resumption on football in Italy, this evening to the Italian government, according to a report from Italian media outlet

The report details how the new protocol was handed over by the FIGC to Italian minister of sport Vincenzo Spadafora, which will be handed over to the Technical Scientific Committee should it pass the government’s checks.

If the new protocol is approved, the clubs will see two issues resolved. The first is that there is no longer the obligation to go into locked training camps at each respective club’s training ground, and the second is that if a player tests positive for Coronavirus then only that player will go into quarantine.

Squad training could resume as early as Tuesday next week, the report continues, only a day later than initially expected. These rules will only be valid for the next 14 days of squad training, with the resumption of the league requiring daily checks of sports centres and a different protocol.