Italian Media Detail How Much It Would’ve Cost Inter To Sack Antonio Conte & Appointing Max Allegri

The decision to not sack Antonio Conte was due largely in part to money it would have taken to do so according to a report in today’s print edition of Italian daily newspaper Tuttosport.

Inter management and club president Steven Zhang met with Conte yesterday for talks over his future and after three and a bit hours at Villa Bellini, the decision was made that Conte would continue as manager of Inter.

Had Inter sacked Conte, appointed former Juventus manager Massimiliano ‘Max’ Allegri in his place and still had Luciano Spalletti on their payroll, it would have led to an outlay of at least €40 million for Suning.

Conte still has just under two years left to run on his current contract with Inter and will head into the coming season off the back of a positive first season in which he led Inter to a second place finish in Serie A, the semi finals of the Coppa Italia and finish as runners-up of the Europa League.