Italian Journalist Condò: “Inter Coach Conte Did Well To Apologise But Footballers & Managers Are Not Role Models”

Italian Journalist Paolo Condo praised Conte’s apology regarding the Agnelli situation but disagrees on role model claim.

Paolo Condo said on Italian TV broadcaster Sky Sports yesterday that Antonio Conte was wrong in thinking people within football are role models, according to FcInter1908.

I agree that Conte did well to apologize but I refute what Conte said in good faith, certainly. I don’t see footballers and managers as role models in terms of behavior.

“Those who reach these peaks of tension are not behavioral role models. They are professionals who sometimes put on a good show.

“I like the values ​​of perseverance and resistance but I turn elsewhere for role models on how to behave” declared Condo.

This situation refers to the apology Antonio Conte made yesterday in his press conference ahead of Inter against Lazio this evening.

Conte was apologising for making a gesture with his middle finger to his former employer Andrea Agnelli who had been heard insulting Conte from the stands.

The situation is now being investigated by the Italian FA however Conte today admitted his wrong doing and issued what seemed to be a genuine apology for his actions in the Allianz Stadium on Tuesday evening.

Inter’s attention will now turn to this evenings tough fixture where the Nerazurri welcome a Lazio side in fantastic form to the San Siro.