Inter Lead Serie A Rankings For Distance Covered With Brozovic & Barella Starring, Italian Media Highlight

Photo: Matteo Gribaudi

Antonio Conte is getting his Inter players to run further than any other team in Serie A, a report in the Italian media highlighted today.

Gazzetta dello Sport’s print edition noted that the Nerazzurri covered a total of 113 kilometres on average per game, more than anyone else in Italy’s top flight.

Conte’s side have pulled clear at the top of the table because they have more gas in the tank than everyone else, the report argued.

Inter’s success is therefore attributable in part to the club’s fitness coach Antonio Pintus, who has won wherever he has worked.

In terms of individual players it is Marcelo Brozovic who leads the Serie A rankings for distance covered per game, with the Croatian running 13km on average each week.

Nicolo Barella is also in the league’s top five though, covering 11.4km per match in the Nerazzurri’s midfield.

Inter’s Serie A title marathon could come to an end on Sunday if they beat Crotone and Atalanta fail to win at Sassuolo.