Inter Players To Reject Suning’s Wage Cut Proposal After Fearing FC Jiangsu Repeat, Italian Media Reveal

Inter’s players will reject a request for wage cuts because they are concerned about Suning’s previous dealings at FC Jiangsu, a report in the Italian media revealed today.

Tuttosport’s print edition said Steven Zhang did not offer any vision for the club’s future when he asked everyone to give up two months’ wages yesterday.

Suning are not the only owners suffering big problems in football at present, but they are likely to pay for their track record after liquidating FC Jiangsu back in March.

Inter’s players have found out about what happened to the Chinese Super League from the club’s former striker Eder, and this is making them uneasy about agreeing to wage cuts.

Zhang will ask for the same financial sacrifice from Antonio Conte and all his staff, the Turin-based paper added.

Inter’s players have contacted the Italian Footballers’ Association, as per standard procedure in these circumstances, and will soon make a unanimous decision which should be to decline the wage cut proposal.

At that point, Suning will need to renegotiate individual contracts within the first-team squad, before turning their attention to Conte and his concerns for the future.