InterSpac President Carlo Cottarelli: “Inter President Steven Zhang Following Our Developments Closely”

Fan ownership initiative InterSpac is moving along according to its plan, and the recent developments are bringing it closer to reality, according to its president Carlo Cottarelli.

Cottarelli, an economist and Inter fan, spoke to Italian broadcaster RAI Radio, as reported by, where he explained the current status of the project and what the future could look like.

InterSpac’s aim to overhaul the ownership model of Inter as well as potentially other large Italian clubs so that they resemble the public shareholding model associated with clubs in Germany is ambitious, but Cottarelli believes that the steps being taken are realistic and that the project is well on its way.

The project recently distributed a questionnaire, with the aim of gauging fan interest and feasibility, and will hope that upon this stage’s completion they will be able to demonstrate real interest in going forward with the initiative to both the current Inter ownership and the public at large.

“The idea [of InterSpac] was born two and a half years ago when we created the company,” Cottarelli explained, “Many things have changed since then.”

“From a sporting point of view, Inter have done very well, from a financial point of view, not so much.”

“What’s nicer than being able to help your club? We want to help the owners, we are not yet at the collections stage, we are just asking about availabilities.”

Asked whether the minimum entry fee is €500, Cottarelli stated:

“There are several possibilities, we still have to decide. We are still in the initial phase.”

About the possible interest of Italian MotoGP racer Valentino Rossi he said:

“We are in contact with his agent, and we hope he accepts.”

Asked whether the proposed model could work for other clubs he had this to say:

“This must be decided by the fans. Fan shareholding could work for Inter, Torino, and Roma. This has been indicated by some surveys.”

Of talks with the current Inter ownership, Suning and Steven Zhang, Cottarelli explained:

“We have informed the owners, who are following the developments with interest. It will take more weeks to get a sense of where we can go, for results we say July 20-21.”

Of the progress of the fan survey, he had this to say:

“The first two days went very well, there were 55 thousand completed questionnaires. We will see where we go from here.”

On why his project could present a solution to pressing problems in football, Cottarelli offered this:

“[Football] needs more revenue, and public shareholding could be a solution. German clubs have been doing it for a long time, and last year they were the clubs with the smallest losses.”

The economist also talked ab0ut his hope to bring Bayern Chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge on board to support his initiative:

“We are organizing an event in Milan, where we would very much like to bring the former striker. It won’t be easy but we will try.”