Inter Vice-President Javier Zanetti: “We Want To Teach Our Sporting Values To Young People & Let Them Have Fun”

Inter Vice-President Javier Zanetti is a big believer in youth development within football.

Speaking at the “Leoni di Potrero” training centre for an event celebrating a new summer internship program, Zanetti gave his thoughts on youth development and the importance of imparting the right values of sport at a young age.

Inter are involved heavily in youth development, and the Primavera team is not only a source of players for the first team that gives them the chance to grow on a technical and athletic level, but also an environment in which to learn sporting culture and values.

Zanetti has always been a keen advocate of the importance of personal values in sport, when he was a player and the Nerazzurri captain and even moreso now that he serves a role as a club director.

The Vice-President gave his thoughts on the matter, stating that “We want to pass on our working methods and our philosophy to the young men and children in this football academy, trusting above all that they can have fun.”

“Doing this in Torregrotta is very important,” he continued. “Our goal is to explain to them the true values ​​of sport, because they need to know how to be in a group and have fun, we want to work on this in particular.”