Inter’s directors held a meeting with the entire squad and coach Simone Inzaghi at the training centre yesterday where they asked the team to reach a turning point quickly given the rough start to the season.

This according to today’s print edition of Milan-based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, who report that the meeting focused around getting back to functioning as a real team and cutting out the mental lapses and errors that come from a negative attitude on the pitch.

Inter’s season has not gone according to plan so far, with three wins and three losses out of the team’s opening three matches, and across all of their matches the sense has been that the players slip far too easily into frustration and pessimism on the pitch.

Despite positive spells against all of Lazio, AC Milan, and Bayern Munich, the Nerazzurri have fallen apart in key moments of each match, and these spells of ten, twenty, or thirty minutes to forget are where the damage has generally been done.

In the meeting yesterday, emphasis was placed on the players not criticizing or becoming frustrated with their teammates on the pitch, and above all on not letting pressure getting to them and letting their heads drop.

The season is still just six games old and Inter have not yet lost their foothold in any of the competitions that they are in, but the players were told that they must start acting like a real team immediately, now more than ever in the face of adversity.