Milan Mayor Beppe Sala: “City Council’s Decision On Inter & AC Milan’s New Stadium Plans Will Arrive In A Year”

Milan Mayor Beppe Sala expects the that decision of the Milan City Council on Inter and AC Milan’s plans to build a new stadium will arrive in around a year.

Speaking to the press, as reported by FCInter1908, the Mayor updated on the timeline for the City Council to deliver a decision on whether construction can go ahead on the new stadium.

Inter and Milan have been hoping that they can get work started on their new stadium with as few delays as possible, and the public debate that has been ongoing is an important step for the clubs.

However, there is still more that has to be done in terms of clearing bureaucratic hurdles.

Ultimately, the two clubs will need to secure the final approval of the City Council before they can actually begin the work of tearing down the San Siro and then constructing a new stadium.

Sala has updated on when this could be expected to arrive.

“We will take this to the city council in a year, at the moment there are still unfortunately still a lot of issues with the stadium plans, and so we’ll take it one step at a time,” the Mayor said.

“The next step is to receive the result of the public debate on November 18,” he continued, “from the public debate we will have to formally respond either by accepting the conclusions that have been made, or reject them with an argument, at which point the Council will deliberate.”

“At that point the clubs will have the task before them of, on the one hand of developing the executive project, and on the other hand showing how they plan to demolish the San Siro.”

“That is, unless other matters come up along the road,” Sala went on. “Opinions can change in a year.”

Of the opposition of eight City Council members in particular to the project, Sala said that “I get the impression that this is the kind of topic where there isn’t the typical sort of divide between centre-left and centre-right in the City Council.”

“That’s just the impression I’ve gotten so far, though, and things could be different in a year.”