Conflicting Reports In Italian Media If Inter’s Lautaro Martinez Fined For Birthday Party For Girlfriend Augustina Gandolfo After Juventus Loss

There are conflicting reports coming out of Italian media as to whether or not Inter striker Lautaro Martinez was fined by the club for attending a birthday celebration for his partner Augustina Gandolfo.

Today’s print edition of Rome-based newspaper Corriere dello Sport claim that the 25-year-old was fined for the indiscretion, whilst Milan-based Gazzetta dello Sport state that the club were annoyed with the timing after Sunday’s loss to Juventus but did not fine him.

Martinez decided to attend a 26th birthday celebration for his partner Augustina Gandolfo.

Given that the Nerazzurri had just suffered a very damaging loss to Juventus in Serie A, this was not seen as the right time to celebrate a personal matter in this fashion.

The club feel that at the moment, all energy must be focused on recovering from the setback of the loss to the Bianconeri.

However, as to whether Martinez was actually fined for the incident, there are conflicting reports.