Inter Milan’s Bond At Risk Of Being Downgraded From B Rating Whilst Rating of Liquidity Improves, Italian Media Detail

Inter’s bond is at risk of being downgraded from its current rating of B, whilst the rating of liquidity at the club has improved in the most recent assessment.

This according to Italian football finance news outlet Calcio e Finanza, who report that the Nerazzurri’s bond remains rated at B, but that it could be lowered with the situation with shirt sponsor DigitalBits’ ongoing nonpayment a particular issue.

Inter’s bond is rated by global credit rating agency Standard & Poor, who have put a B rating on the Nerazzurri’s bond at present.

This rating is indicative of the situation with the club’s bond being “highly speculative.”

According to Calcio e Finanza, S&P’s assessment consider the bond to be at some risk of downgrading from this, with the fact that the club has yet to receive any payment from DigitalBits one of the major reasons, given the expected revenue not received.

Meanwhile, the assessment of operating liquidity at the Nerazzurri by S&P has improved, with the agency noting that the one particular risk would come from the refinancing of the bond in 2027.