Global investment fund Investcorp is currently putting together a group of Bahrain based investors before moving in to try to buy Inter Milan from Suning.
This according to today’s print edition of Turin based TuttoSport, as reported via FcInterNews, who report that negotiations with Suning over Inter Milan are at very preliminary stages.
Before moving forward with the negotiations, Investcorp want to first put together a group of investors based in Bahrain.
As such, the report continues, the investment fund have decided not to release any comments pertaining to the matter.
This follows reports elsewhere in Italian media which suggest that Investcorp, who publicly declared an interest in buying AC Milan before RedBird bought the club, have re-ignited their interest in buying cross-town rivals, Inter Milan.
Oaktree Could Take Ownership Of Inter Milan
Inter’s current owners Suning are still requesting more than €1 billion in cash to sell the club, but time is ticking as they have used their ownership of the club as collateral to secure a €275 million loan from Oaktree, a loan which must be paid in full by May 2024.
If this loan is not repaid in full by the due date, ownership of Inter Milan will fall to Oaktree.
Several reports in Italian media have indicated in the past that Oaktree have no interest in running the club and wish to sell it on rapidly should Suning default on repaying their debt.
This is why, according to Tuttosport, interest in buying Inter Milan is increasing, with many investors beginning to look at purchasing the club at a much lower rate than the €1 billion price tag Suning have slapped on the club.
Meanwhile elsewhere, it has been reported that Suning are struggling to refinance the Oaktree loan and as such, could be forced to sell at a lower price the closer we get to May 2024 and the expiry date of the debt.
Therefore, it is more likely that the right moment for Inter to be sold could be closer to May 2024 than this summer, the report concludes.