Italy Star’s Agent: ‘He’s Always Wanted Inter Milan Move, We’re Very Close To Wrapping Up’

The agent of Sassuolo midfielder Davide Frattesi has confirmed that a move to Inter Milan is getting very close.

Speaking to Italian broadcaster SportItalia, the 23-year-old Italy international’s agent Beppe Riso noted that the player has always wanted to join Inter, and also spoke on the situation of a couple other Inter players this summer transfer window.

Inter look to have finally gotten their man.

Nothing is official yet, but the Nerazzurri are reportedly on the verge of completing a deal to sign Sassuolo midfielder Frattesi.

They have beaten the likes of AC Milan, Roma, and Juventus to the 23-year-old’s signature.

Inter have reportedly already reached an agreement with the Neroverdi on the deal.

Then, earlier this evening, the Nerazzurri met with Frattesi’s agent Riso. In these talks, they worked on some of the final details of the Azzurri’s star’s transfer.

After coming out of the meeting, Riso had a few words about how the meeting went.

Agent Confirms: Davide Frattesi On The Verge Of Joining Inter Milan

Asked about the status of a Frattesi transfer to Inter, Riso said that it’s “Close, we’re getting very close.”

And asked if he and Frattesi are happy, Riso replied “Yes, because it’s something that he really wanted.”

“Now we’ll see if we can wrap up the final details, and then we can give the final ok.”

Asked if Frattesi has always wanted Inter, the agent replied “Sure, we can say that’s always been his preference.”

Regarding the meeting with Inter, Riso also admitted that “We also talked about Valentin Carboni and Sensi.”

Regarding whether wingback Carboni will stay at Monza after his loan spell expires, he said “We’re evaluating whether he should stay there longer, or go somewhere else to play more.”

And of midfielder Sensi, whose loan with Monza is also done, Riso noted that “We’re considering what the next step should be.”

“We haven’t considered any possible moves abroad yet,” the agent said in response to a question of whether or not there’s interest in Sensi from Spain.

Regarding the future of Roberto Gagliardini after leaving Inter on a free transfer, Riso said that “We’re working out an agreement with Monza.”

Finally, Riso talked about another of his clients, young Inter-owned midfielder Gaetano Oristanio. “He’ll play in Serie A,” he said of the 20-year-old’s immediate future.