Italian Journalist Lauds Inter Milan For “Setting A Good Example” Refusing To Give In To Lazar Samardzic Entourage Demands

Italian journalist Giovanni Capuano feels that Inter Milan “set a good example by refusing to give into the demands of the entourage of Lazar Samardzic.

Capuano reacted to reports that the Nerazzurri have pulled out of talks to sign the Serb once and for all in a tweet.

Inter’s chase of 21-year-old former RB Leizpig midfielder Samardzic has finally fallen through for good.

The deal seemed to be on life support for a few days.

However, it has proved impossible for the Nerazzurri and the player’s representatives to find any sort of basis for an agreement.

The aspect that really makes the transfer saga such a farce is the fact that Inter had, for all the world, already seemed to have wrapped up the deal for Samardzic weeks ago.

The Nerazzurri had already reached an agreement with Udinese some time ago. And Samardzic even completed his medicals last week.

But in the end, the unexpected new financial demands by the Serb’s agents saw the deal collapse.

The aftermath of the entire circus leaves Inter in a daze. The Nerazzurri had worked hard to get the deal to a point of near-completion, and now start again from square one.

Capuano: Inter Milan “Set A Good Example” With Handling Of Lazar Samardzic Situation

Capuano tweets, “Did Inter lose out on a great deal by not signing Samardzic? Certainly.”

“However, it’s only right that clubs put their foot down when it comes to these requests from the hangers-on of stars, or stars-in-the-making.”

“Inter set a good example,” he continues.

“And they follow in the example of Milan, also very positive,” Capuano adds.

“Both in the balance sheet, and on the pitch.”

Inter have always maintained the same stance throughout recent contacts with Samardzic’s representatives.

They have always shown a willingness to make the deal on the terms that they agreed earlier.

However, the Nerazzurri have not budged when it’s come to new requests that came at the eleventh hour.