Inter Milan have held a meeting with the agent of midfielder Stefano Sensi to discuss the 28-year-old’s future at the club.

This according to Italian news outlet FCInterNews, who report that the Nerazzurri held talks with agent Beppe Riso today where they discussed the possibility of Sensi staying at the club, as well as a prospective contract extension for young defender Giacomo Stabile.

Sensi has been back at Inter for the preseason period after his loan spell with Monza last campaign.

The Italian international’s future has looked up in the air. This is because it has long looked like Inter would do everything they can to move the player on.

Whilst Sensi’s ability is hardly in doubt, the midfielder’s fitness certainly is.

For this reason, Nerazzurri coach Simone Inzaghi does not seem to be inclined towards making Sensi a part of the plans.

However, circumstances this summer have potentially changed that.

Inter Milan Discuss Future Of Stefano Sensi With Agent

The high-profile collapse of Inter’s move for Udinese midfielder Lazar Samardzic means that the Nerazzurri are now trying to sort out their midfield depth for the season to come.

With Giovanni Fabbian having left for Bologna, the Nerazzurri have just five senior midfielders.

This is not sufficient for the entire season.

Therefore, Inter must bring in another midfielder before the summer transfer window closes. Or, alternatively, they will have to rely on Sensi.

The 28-year-old’s agent Riso was at Inter’s headquarters today. And according to FCIN, part of the purpose of the agent’s visit was to discuss what role Sensi will have next season, if he stays.

Moreover, Sensi’s contract with Inter runs out at the end of next June.

Therefore, the club will have to extend his deal if they don’t want to risk losing him on a free transfer next summer.

Apart from Sensi, FCIN report, Inter and Riso discussed the future of young defender Giacomo Stabilie. The 18-year-old has enjoyed an eye-catching preseason.