Inter Milan CEO Beppe Marotta: ‘Hope Marko Arnautovic’s Injury Doesn’t Keep Him Out Long’

Inter Milan CEO Beppe Marotta is hoping that the injury to striker Marko Arnautovic does not keep him out for very long.

Speaking to Italian broadcaster DAZN ahead of this evening’s Serie A clash with Sassuolo, via FCInteNews, the Nerazzurri executive also gave his thoughts on the start to the team’s season.

Striker Arnautovic is dealing with an early setback in his second spell at Inter in the form of a thigh injury.

The early indications are that the Austrian could be out for a number of weeks, possibly as long as two months.

Arnautovic will have to recover and not rush back from the problem. Otherwise there could be a risk of reinjury or making the issue even worse.

This is a problem for the former Bologna and West Ham United veteran. And also for Inter, who are having to cope without one of their four senior forwards for a long and busy period in the early part of the campaign.

Inter CEO Marotta: Hope Marko Arnautovic Can Return From Injury Soon

Speaking about Arnautovic, Marotta said “Let’s hope that his injury isn’t a long one.”

He also made clear that “We aren’t going to sign anyone to replace him.”

“Inzaghi is very good at identifying replacements [from within the squad] in emergency situations like this,” Marotta noted.

He made clear that “We’re a collective, and we know how to make up for player absences.”

Of the team’s start to the campaign, Marotta said that “I believe we’re still in a very early phase. Now the important thing is that we find consistency.”

He added that “Tonight’s match is important. We have to respect and honour it by playing at our best.”

Marotta also spoke about striker Andrea Pinamonti and midfielder Davide Frattesi. Each made the transfer from one of this evening’s two opponents to the other.

As for which benefited most, he said “I hope both.”

“Beyond the financial side, both are clubs with different scale and different ambitions.”

“Pinamonti and Frattesi are both aiming to have a positive impact on these two teams’ journeys.”