Revealed – How Italy Hosting EURO 2032 Could Affect Inter Milan & AC Milan New Stadium Plans

The awarding of EURO 2032 to Italy could have an effect on the new stadium plans of Inter Milan and AC Milan.

Today’s print edition of Milan-based newspaper Corriere della Sera, via FCInterNews, anticipate how the tournament could shape the situation surrounding the two clubs’ plans to move to a new stadium in the coming seasons.

At the moment, the stadium plans of Inter and Milan are somewhat up in the air.

However, in recent months both teams have moved strongly in the direction of building outside the city of Milano proper.

For years, the Nerazzurri and the Rossoneri have pursued plans to build a new stadium to replace the San Siro. They would demolish the existing stadium, build a new one in its place, and share it as they have done the current stadium.

However, continued bureaucratic hurdles have rendered these plans infeasible.

First, it was Milan who finally lost patience with the delays and uncertainty.

The Rossoneri have been actively pursuing plans in the San Donato area. They are ready to build a new stadium without Inter.

And in recent weeks, the Nerazzurri have followed suit.

Inter are now actively working on plans in the Rozzano area, where they have formally presented plans.

How EURO 2032 Could Impact Inter & AC Milan Stadium Plans

The Corriere della Sera note that the awarding of EURO 2032 to Italy and Turkey could have a big impact on the stadium situation in Milano.

Italy are now scrambling to set up suitable stadiums for matches at the tournament.

Given the state of disrepair of many large Italian football stadiums, that will be no mean feat.

As such, there is a good chance that both Inter and Milan’s new stadiums could be called into action.

Both clubs certainly intend to have constructed and begun playing in new facilities long before 2032.

And alternatively, the situation also puts the city of Milano at something of a crossroads regarding the San Siro.

On the one hand, the Euros could give the city a chance to put the stadium to use after Inter and Milan have left. This has been something of a quandary for the city in recent months as the clubs have begun to pursue alternative plans.

But on the other hand, it could also force the city to reconsider the injunction on demolishing the San Siro.

The city could see it as necessary to allow Inter, Milan, or both to construct a new, modern stadium in its place. That way, EURO 2032 matches could take place within the city proper, rather than outside communes.