Inter Milan coach Simone Inzaghi will want his team to make a real statement against Torino this evening as they return from the international break.

This according to today’s print edition of Milan-based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, via FCInterNews.

Coming back from an international break is always a bit of a tricky matter for a coach.

The issue of fatigue and jet lag of some players can naturally be a problem in terms of fitness and intensity.

For Inter this has meant some less-than-optimal performances in recent first matches back from international breaks.

Of the Nerazzurri’s last ten, they have won just five – half, in other words.

Meanwhile, there have been four losses and one draw.

Clearly, the timing of this fixture is one which has a particular risk of stumbling and dropping points in the league.

Inter Coach Inzaghi Wants A Statement Win Vs Torino

On the other hand, Inter’s most recent return from an international break virtually couldn’t have gone any better for them.

The Nerazzurri faced city rivals AC Milan in the derby immediately after the September international break.

That match came with a lot of anticipation, of course. But it also came with more than a few doubts about whether either team could really produce fireworks after a demanding international break.

For Milan, perhaps, those doubts looked valid. But for Inter, it was arguably the highlight performance of the entire season so far.,

The Nerazzurri thrashed their city rivals by an eye-watering 5-1 scoreline.

So of course, Inzaghi will want something similar against Torino.

The Granata may not quite be the same kind of traditional rival for Inter as the Rossoneri are. Nor are they as high in the table.

But there are no illusions that this match will be anything other than a slog for the Nerazzurri, particularly away from home.

So for Inzaghi, the goal is clear. The coach wants his players to do what they did last time around by showing spirit, focus, and intensity rather than any hint that the break has sapped their energy or desire.