A report in the Italian media argues that Inter Milan president Steven Zhang’s words suggest Suning aren’t seeking a sale.

Yesterday, the Nerazzurri held their annual shareholders meeting at the club’s headquarters. While Zhang wasn’t present in person, he delivered a broadcast speech.

“We are once again among the top clubs in Europe. We will fight to earn that second star for our fans and to enter into the history books of this club forever.

“The road ahead together is still long, our ambition does not stop here and what we have achieved so far is only the starting point.”

These were some of the statements that Zhang made during his speech.

So according to La Gazzetta dello Sport via FcInterNews, these words suggest that the chairman and his company intend to stay at the club’s helm.

Nevertheless, Suning have some challenging tasks ahead. The most notable is the Oaktree loan as the deadline looms ever closer (May 20th, 2024).

Inter Milan Owners Suning Are Planning To Refinance Oaktree Loan To Avoid A Sale

However, the report believes the Chinese owners aren’t looking to sell the club. At the moment, no concrete negotiations with another party are taking place.

Moreover, the intermediaries haven’t been able to find a buyer who is willing to meet Suning’s asking price of 1.2 billion euros.

Therefore, Suning are now looking to find a solution before the end of the year, as the source tells it.

The Chinese company aims to find an entity that can help in refinancing the Oaktree loan with sustainable rates.