Italian media have viewed yesterday’s match between Inter Milan and Juventus as confirming the two sides’ status as the two main Serie A title contenders.

Today’s print edition of Turin-based newspaper Tuttosport, via FCInterNews, look at the match in the context of the title race.

Inter went to the Allianz Stadium and secured a point yesterday.

Juventus had led for a few minutes. Then Inter found an equalizer.

After that, it was around an hour of both sides keeping each other at arm’s length.

Regardless of what the two coaches may have said, there were evident nerves as a result of the stakes.

All of the talk before the match of course centred around the possibility that it could prove to be a title-decider.

And the evidence on the pitch suggested that the players were aware of it.

Both Inter and Juventus seemed to prioritize avoiding errors above all else.

It was, in truth, not the best of matches from a technical perspective.

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In the view of Tuttosport, however, the fact that yesterday’s match had a slow pace and few chances didn’t reflect too poorly on either side’s title chances.

On the contrary.

For Inter, the Nerazzurri avoided a costly defeat against their current closest rival. They did so in a difficult away stadium, missing some key defenders.

Inter did so by not taking too many risks.

It may not have been an audacious performance. But it was a mature one that got an adequate result.

And for Juventus, it was also a more-than-adequate performance and result.

The Bianconeri are still underdogs in the eyes of many based on the quality of Inter’s performances so far this season.

But Juventus kept Inter from really dominating, even if they allowed them the majority of possession.

And the Bianconeri had a litany of injuries to deal with themselves.

Yesterday’s match may not have been easy on the eye. But it could well have been perfect confirmation that both Inter and Juventus are in it for the long haul in the Serie A title race.